Friday, April 11, 2008

Babies Everywhere

We picked up our new baby goat last night. We still have not decided on a name. She will either be Rose or Lilly. The boys are both already attached to her. They are sitting on the couch with her even though I have told them several times, she does not need to be on the furniture. I had to get up with her a few times last night. It reminded my why I'm done having babies. I'll stick to the goat kids.

A couple of Killdeer have layed their eggs in our driveway. Nathan thinks it is funny to walk by the nest so the birds fly off and act like they are hurt. When I took this picture there were three eggs, now there are four. I hope they make it through all the rain and winds we have been having lately. I love spring.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Easter With A Broken Arm

We took these pictures on Easter Sunday. We did not do much that day. We went to Jeff's mom and dad's house for lunch and that was about it. The boys did not get to hunt eggs this year. It was to cold outside. Being the overprotective mother I am I did not want Nathan risking falling on his arm again.
These are the first picture I have of Nathan with his broken arm. He has not wanted me to take any of him up until now. I think he is getting used to having his splint. He has not been complaining of pain to much, unless he think it will get him out of trouble. He has been quite a trooper through this whole thing. I think boys are born with the idea that they can't let people see them cry, except mom and dad. When he had pins put in his arm, we had to wait outside. After they let us go back to see him, he was upset because he cried when they woke him up. Jeff and I both told him several times it was ok to cry. It's hard watching your baby go through something like that. I am thankful to God everyday that our boys are happy and healthy.

Muffins with Mom

Lane enjoyed Muffins with Mom day as much as I did. We got to go to school with Nathan for about 45 minutes. We had muffins in the cafeteria then went to his class to see how they start their day. Lane did not want to leave. Nathan loves having his little brother in class with him. I think he would take him every day if he could.

One afternoon we were messing around with my camera. We had a lot of fun making silly faces and taking pictures. I need to take more time to just be silly with them. They are growing up so fast.